
Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 4 of Fire Up for Fall

Weight Wars

This week's questions:

What have you done this week to achieve your goals?
I feel the weeks blending into one another and it's difficult to remember what I did when. Does anyone else feel that way or am I just getting so old that the days fly by? I struggled with temptation and self control this week and I wrote about it briefly throughout the week which coincidentally takes us to my first goal.

1. Be accountable by participating in Challenge and Blog weekly - accomplished : I blogged several times this week including a difficult post that documented a little of my story up to now on this journey

2. Decrease weight by 10 pounds - accomplishing: weighed in with a loss of 1.6 lbs

3. Pay attention to body signals. Eat when hungry - 75% accomplished: I did really well with being in touch with how I was feeling and my body signals, but I struggled qt times with the action part of only eating when actually hungry. This is what I need to work on - why I continue to eat even when I realize that I am not eating for hunger

4. Exercise at least 4 times a week - accomplished : exercised 4 out of 7 days

5. Sleep at least 7 hours a night - not accomplished: I am really struggling with getting to bed early, I just have too much going on during day and evening then find myself on the computer at night where I lose track of time. I should probably resolve not to get on computer or read after 10pm. I also find myself waking up at sunrise or before - even on the days when I can sleep in.

6. Have a food plan and keep right food on hand - not accomplished: In fact I am failing this goal miserably. Perhaps it is not the right goal for me this season, or perhaps it is too large. I am going to drop this goal for now and will pick it up again in the future. At that time I will break it down into smaller goals, such as (a) have a written menu plan; (b) have the right foods on hand to implement the written menu plan; (c) follow written menu plan (with some flexibility); and (d) track actual food consumed either electronically or by paper journal.

What have you done to make yourself feel fabulous?
I spent a wonderful afternoon with friends at a performance of our local community theater group. I enjoy theater. My sister and I have season tickets to professional theater, but I have to travel 140 miles to get there. Community theater doesn't have the same budget, but the acting is good and it made for a great afternoon.

What is your go to food or activity when you've had a bad day?
This is a great question! If we are reflective and know what our go to food/activity is then we can possibly head ourselves off when that go-to feeling comes upon us. Much easier said than done though, I know. I find myself heading towards the starches like a loaf piece of nice, crusty bread - not the wimpy sandwich slice. Although I haven't had a sweet tooth for most of my life because I was giving in to my starch cravings, I find I now may get a craving for something sweet when I am having a bad day.

What is the last thing you did that you were really proud of?
First, I am proud of making the decision to make a change in my life by working towards a healthy weight. This is an ongoing feeling as the decision really is a day-to-day one.
Second, I am proud that I courageously made the decision to leave a horrid, poisonous an unhealthy work environment without knowing what I would do next. It has made me live daily by faith and has made me broke taught me many things. For someone who is very planned, this is a big thing. It took courage, but it was definitely the right thing to do. I don't know where this decision will ultimately lead me, but I have never had any regrets.

What was your favorite school subject and your least favorite? Why?
I have to give a disclaimer upfront that I am a teacher by trade. I have taught all general subjects and truly like them all. I was a typical "schoolie" when younger- I enjoy learning and dabbled in many subject areas.

I think my least favorite subject, both to teach and to learn, would have to be science. This is because of its broad spectrum. Some areas are so difficult for me to get in and digest and/or are boring not my cup of tea, i.e biology (one I like) vs. weathering/erosion. On the positive side, science can be one of the most fun subjects depending how it is taught. It lends itself well to hands-on learning.

It is equally challenging to name a favorite subject. My teaching certifications for older kids are in social studies and communication arts and for everything with younger children.  I gravitate towards liking history/ social studies best both for teaching and learning - depending again how it is taught. It could be very boring if you are lectured/lecturing or only reading a textbook. History is perfect for projects - who wouldn't rather act out the Boston Tea Party than read about it?

I like learning about cultures and people. Throw in a little geography, then dream about visiting there someday! Sharing my love of learning regardless of subject is what I like the best.

My positive picture of the week is a comparison. In September, My daughter and I had our picture taken at a wedding we attended. When I saw it, I was reminded of a similar picture we had taken just   3 years ago at a different function. I pulled the two pictures together and saw how much I have really changed in those months. In the top picture I am on the right and on the left in the bottom picture.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Seeing what I have already accomplished helps to motivate and propel me towards my ultimate goal.


PlumPetals said...

I think your comparison photo is great - definitely good motivation to keep moving forward. Good luck this upcoming week :)

Weight Wars said...

Wow at those pictures! Amazing achievement already! You are doing great with your goals so far keep it up :)

Tim said...

I agree with the two above. The pics just show how amazing you've done on your journey.

Caylie said...

I'm going to have to agree with the previous comments - WOW on the photos! Amazing achievement, is right!

MS said...

I appreciate all your comments ~ thank you.
It's a life journey and I keep trudging along!