Positive Picture
I am thankful that I have access to fresh fruit and healthy food. There are many people in this world who either don't have access to healthy food and clean water or cant afford the same. May I never take for granted the abundance given to me.
On to the questions for this week:
What have you done this week to achieve your goals?
This week was not good for me. I fell off the wagon, but I am going to pick myself up and dust off and press on towards the goal. I'm pretty disgusted at my lack of self control - it's an emotional thing and I need to work on different coping strategies and/or do the hard job of working through my emotions instead of medicating with food.
1. Be accountable by participating in Challenge and Blog weekly - accomplished
2. Decrease weight by 10 pounds - gained weight this week
3. Pay attention to body signals. Eat when hungry - oh yeah, I ate when hungry and when I wasn't hungry too
4. Exercise at least 4 times a week - only 1 out of 7, no excuse, but I was out of town for a few days and it made exercise inconvenient
5. Sleep at least 7 hours a night - I averaged about 5 1/2 hours. I made a point to get myself to bed most nights at a decent hour but I had trouble sleeping this week for some reason. I kept waking up and the quality of my sleep was very poor
6. Have a food plan and keep right food on hand - no menu, no tracking, no grocery store with healthy foods *sigh*
What have you done to make yourself feel fabulous?
I nurtured some relationships: I met for an afternoon with a favorite cousin and we had some deep conversations, I visited my daughter who has recently moved away, and I met my sister for lunch.
My athletic sister is 5 years younger than me and lives 2 1/2 hours away. She did a bike ride along one of our state trails to take advantage of the good weather and fall foliage. She rode 72 miles round trip! I drove to meet her at her halfway point and we had lunch at a little cafe near the Missouri River edge. Then she got back on her bike and rode back. I am so proud of her and admire her.
It's halfway through the challenge, you can change 1 or more of your goals (max of 3). What are you going to do and why?
I am going to drop my last goal of having a food plan and keeping the right food on hand. It is my 6th goal, so I am not going to replace it. This goal has never been fully accomplished and it stresses me when I realize that it is not being accomplished. Instead of motivating me in the challenge, this goal does the opposite and by making me want to quit because I feel like a failure. So, I am just going to eliminate the goal.
What's your worse bad habit and have you ever tried to tackle it? Do you want to?
Outside of food, my worse bad habit would have to be the making of stacks or piles of books and papers. These can be found wherever I need or want the particular items: on the counter, the table, the sofa, my desk, and on the floor when when my desk runs out of room. Every so often I clean up the stacks and put everything in its place, but eventually things end up back in stacks. In theory I would like to tackle this habit, but in reality the stacks work for me and I can live with them. Do you think there is there a 12 step program for this? "My name is Mary and I am aslacker stacker."
Fun Time: Would you rather have burgers for feet or sausages for fingers?
Yikes! Id rather have neither! However, if I had to choose I think I would prefer to have burgers for feet. I see my hands and fingers much more than I see my feet and I don't want to see chubby little sausages all day long.
Five weeks to go--- I really need to fire up to meet this challenge!
I am thankful that I have access to fresh fruit and healthy food. There are many people in this world who either don't have access to healthy food and clean water or cant afford the same. May I never take for granted the abundance given to me.
On to the questions for this week:
What have you done this week to achieve your goals?
This week was not good for me. I fell off the wagon, but I am going to pick myself up and dust off and press on towards the goal. I'm pretty disgusted at my lack of self control - it's an emotional thing and I need to work on different coping strategies and/or do the hard job of working through my emotions instead of medicating with food.
1. Be accountable by participating in Challenge and Blog weekly - accomplished
2. Decrease weight by 10 pounds - gained weight this week
3. Pay attention to body signals. Eat when hungry - oh yeah, I ate when hungry and when I wasn't hungry too
4. Exercise at least 4 times a week - only 1 out of 7, no excuse, but I was out of town for a few days and it made exercise inconvenient
5. Sleep at least 7 hours a night - I averaged about 5 1/2 hours. I made a point to get myself to bed most nights at a decent hour but I had trouble sleeping this week for some reason. I kept waking up and the quality of my sleep was very poor
6. Have a food plan and keep right food on hand - no menu, no tracking, no grocery store with healthy foods *sigh*
What have you done to make yourself feel fabulous?
I nurtured some relationships: I met for an afternoon with a favorite cousin and we had some deep conversations, I visited my daughter who has recently moved away, and I met my sister for lunch.
My athletic sister is 5 years younger than me and lives 2 1/2 hours away. She did a bike ride along one of our state trails to take advantage of the good weather and fall foliage. She rode 72 miles round trip! I drove to meet her at her halfway point and we had lunch at a little cafe near the Missouri River edge. Then she got back on her bike and rode back. I am so proud of her and admire her.
It's halfway through the challenge, you can change 1 or more of your goals (max of 3). What are you going to do and why?
I am going to drop my last goal of having a food plan and keeping the right food on hand. It is my 6th goal, so I am not going to replace it. This goal has never been fully accomplished and it stresses me when I realize that it is not being accomplished. Instead of motivating me in the challenge, this goal does the opposite and by making me want to quit because I feel like a failure. So, I am just going to eliminate the goal.
What's your worse bad habit and have you ever tried to tackle it? Do you want to?
Outside of food, my worse bad habit would have to be the making of stacks or piles of books and papers. These can be found wherever I need or want the particular items: on the counter, the table, the sofa, my desk, and on the floor when when my desk runs out of room. Every so often I clean up the stacks and put everything in its place, but eventually things end up back in stacks. In theory I would like to tackle this habit, but in reality the stacks work for me and I can live with them. Do you think there is there a 12 step program for this? "My name is Mary and I am a
Fun Time: Would you rather have burgers for feet or sausages for fingers?
Yikes! Id rather have neither! However, if I had to choose I think I would prefer to have burgers for feet. I see my hands and fingers much more than I see my feet and I don't want to see chubby little sausages all day long.
Five weeks to go--- I really need to fire up to meet this challenge!
Good idea to drop something that gives you more pain than motivation. Your time is precious don't spend it stressing.
Sometimes having a rigid list of what you can/can't eat makes it difficult to follow the plan and then the whole thing can backfire. I think focusing on goal 3 and making good choices will eliminate the need for a list to follow.
I can relate to the lack of sleep -- this past week I was averaging 4.5 hours ... I definitely felt the effects!
Good luck with this upcoming week!
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