
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 3 of Fire Up for Fall

Fall is my favorite season.  I enjoy the crisp days when the weather dictates the need for a sweater in the shade, yet the sun shines warm.  Colors burst forth from the once green trees and shades of orange, russet, and brown dot the countryside.  Therefore, the picture above is my positive picture of the week. I took this picture while visiting a farm last weekend. It is the epitome of fall for me. 

Now to Week 3's questions:

What have you done this week to help get to your goals?
This week I felt I was better focused and on track. I definitely have room to be better, but I improved in working towards my goals over last week.  However, the scale did not agree with me and I gained 2 pounds. I'm not going to fret over it as I know there are hormonal shifts, stress factors, water, and overeating other unexplainable reasons for weight loss and gain.  I am just going to keep doing what I know to be good and healthy for me and  hope  know it will all balance out eventually. 

1. Be accountable by participating in Challenge and Blog weekly.  -accomplished

2. Decrease weight by 10 pounds - gained 2 pounds, but still down overall - accomplishing

3. Pay attention to body signals. Eat when hungry - working on this about 85%, accomplishing

4. Exercise at least 4 times a week -back up plan with DVD and Wii,  4 out of 7 days - accomplished

5. Sleep at least 7 hours a night - I am trying to make myself go to bed earlier which is difficult, 5 out  of  7 nights - accomplishing  

6. Have a food plan and keep right food on hand - I have purged the house of most unhealthy foods, but I only have a plan for a day or two at a time, this is the goal where I am the weakest.  I also find  I try to "track" my food in my head thinking I will remember. Duhh, no, I won't. I need to get better here   - not accomplished

What have you done to make yourself feel fabulous? 
As my positive picture above shows, my family and I spent the afternoon at a farm last weekend.  We went on a hayride and just had a good time.  I had a roll in the hay, but it may not be what you think.  It was when I was getting up into the hay and I slipped, tumbling down in the hay. Didn't hurt-- hay broke my fall, nothing hurt but my pride. :)  It was a good way to stay humble, laugh at myself,  and gave me my roll in the hay ! 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years ? What are your goals? Ambitions?
My life mission is to motivate, support, and empower others to fulfil their potential.  This is what drives me in the areas of my life - as a mother, as an employee, as a friend.  That is the big picture.  My ambitions and goals will all feed into this mission.  Now the sticky part is the details.  I am in a period of transition.   I quit my job and am in the process of looking for the next one.  Whatever it will be, I know it will fit with my mission I just don't know exactly what it is yet.  I am walking by faith until I find it.  
In 5 years,
  • I see myself at a weight that is healthy for me
  • I see myself grateful and finding joy every day
  • I see myself remaining healthy because I am making healthy choices
  • I see myself loving and being loved

Give us a tip or a fact. What is something great that you've heard that everyone should know?
 There is an app for I-phones, I-pod touch and I-pads that I like called weightbot that tracks progress with weight loss (or gain).   You can set a goal, record weight, and see graphs of your weight progress over time.  It can be password protected.  I used to track my weight daily, but now I put it in about 3 times a week.  The data can also be exported to an excel file.   It costs a couple of dollars on I-tunes and I have found it to be helpful for me.  It can be especially encouraging seeing it over time, or serve as a warning if weight begins to creep up.   

What was your most recent dream you can remember?
I hardly ever remember my dreams.  The last time I dreamt and knew I had in he morning was mid- summer. I don't remember now though what the dream was, so I'm afraid I cant answer this question sufficiently.

Fall is my favorite season, what is yours?

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