
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Week 52 - A Year Gone By

Last January I began this blog with my resolution to eat more healthy and try to lose some weight. I invited any readers to share the journey with me as I had successes and failures along the way.  I haven't written much on here since fall because my work has been very busy and I have also been taking a class.  I have still been trying to eat better and lost weight.   I have new goals to be making for the new year,but will address those another day.    For the year 2010, I am pleased to say that I have lost approximately 120 pounds.    It has been difficult, but the hardest was the first few months while getting my cravings under control.  Most of my eating is emotional too.  I haven't documented this journey in pictures the way I wish I had, but here is some pictures taken a year apart..... 

November 2009

November 2010

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