
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Weigh-In Week 6

Another gain this week. 

I have had cravings and I have given in to them.  I haven't had a good plan thought out for what I am going to eat for the day -- I am just winging it  I think it is better to plan out in advance your menu.  You can be flexible, but at least know what you might eat.  

Because I have no plan, I also have very little food in my refrigerator.  So when it is time to eat, I have to think hard about what to eat and what healthy high- nutrition, low-fat meal I can make.  Usually, I grab something not-so-healthy  or not-so-low-fat.    I have also gone out and picked food up more this week. 

These are all choices that have consequences that lead to weight gain  for me.  They are also choices that can be changed.

It is a cycle of bad news for me. I eat haphazardly. It makes me feel bad- I get sluggish and I physically can tell the difference.  It makes me not want to exercise or move much.  I get lazier. That makes me even more tired.  My sleep habits have been changing --probably due to the food & exercise changes.  I'll share some interesting things about sleep and weight in a few days.  When I weigh myself, I see that I gain a little and that depresses me and I respond by wanting to just give up and eat.  And the cycle starts all over again.  

Next week there will be a loss.  I am going to STOP the cycle!

Weight change for Week 6 :  + 1.6

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Visit with Ali

To motivate the participants of the Slimdown Challenge, the organizers brought in Ali Vincent - winner of season 5 on the Biggest Loser. Currently Vincent is a motivational speaker who touts staying committed and how to follow through on your goals.  She is quite energetic and very funny. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Friday Stats Update

Another week gone by and I am a bit discouraged. I need to get motivated!   I seem to gain and lose the same 2 -3 pounds over and over.  I don't know if it is hormone related, stress related, or just the ebbs & flow of weight related.  I weigh myself  nearly everyday, so I see the scale go up, then down, then up and down again. 
Our stats continue to go down in the standings.  As a team, there are still only 4 of the 6 of us weighing in thus far.  Also--for some reason, the total players has again increased by one this week.  I really don't understand that.    But down to business:

Team Standings 
From Week 4: 444 out of 656
From Week 5: 479 out of 656

Individual Standings 
From Week 4: 1109 out of 3585
From Week 5: 1527 out of 3586   

Facts from the Week
  • Total pounds lost in the challenge so far is 15,263
  • First place team has lost an average of 9% (our team has lost an avg of 1.14%)
  • First place individual has lost an average of 15.25%